
Thursday, July 1, 2010

First things first....

I have to take myself more seriously. That's the bottom line. I can't be the only person in America lost and soul-less. I had to hyphen it--just to much aggravation otherwise.

See though that's the kind of thing I'm talking about--my worry. I actually had to stop and think about whether or not I was going to hyphen the word soul-less. There I did it again. Why am I such a worrier???

Geez Louise. There are way better things to minge over in this world.

But I digress...Must make it a habit of writing this blog. What blog? It's just a bunch of senseless writing. Words on a page that have no meaning outside the complexity of this mind I'm inhabiting. Earthlings beware.

Had to do it....I am out of my fucking mind. Wasn't going to write fucking...but what the fuck....FUCK..FUCK...FUCK....THERE.

this is just as bad as Denis Leary. And why the fuck does he spell his name with one N. hunh???
wtf is that all about. Are you so friggin special......wait a minute...this is Denis Leary I'm about to take on.....

i'm such a pussy.