
Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Letter from GOD

Dear James,

      I have thought of you often these last days. I understand you have been in some pain of late and I am sorry for that--Why didn't you just come to me? I was hurt that you didn't feel you could trust me--USE ME, that's what I'm here for--to support YOU in every and any way I can--and you KNOW I will--always.

     You've got some work to do, we both know that, and now YOU also know that I WILL ALWAYS BE BY YOUR SIDE. My hand is always on your shoulder my son, my friend, my Spirit.
     Many Angels have called on me on your behalf--you are loved. They have prayed that I heal you, remove this DIS-EASE you have felt for so long, and I have my child, I have--and now you journey continues--it is filled with Love and Wonder and Discovery, and it is waiting to be revealed to you in due time, all I ask is that you be patient, still and listen.
     You must have Faith and you must Trust in me--I have never done anything to harm you or mislead you and that you can "bank" on--LOL.

     You were created specifically by ME with a clear purpose and a distinct uniqueness, surrounded by Brothers and Sisters Worldwide who love you just as much as I do.

      Believe ME. Use ME. Trust ME.

      I am so proud of you. You have traveled far and stood tall and strong. You have lived through your past--now it's time to--let it go.

      Enjoy TODAY and look forward to TOMORROW. I have so much more coming up for you ...(come on, did you think you were through--HA!)

      Now, like I revealed on Oprah, "Go to your Destiny."


P.S. I LOVE YOU--just in case you weren't sure. LOL. :)