
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Working Title...."Infected Dreams"......

Setting: A Dance/Reheasal Studio. Time: Early Evening

Scene 1

 Enter James. Early 40's. Actor. Carrying his "signature" backpack. Drops bag and goes through. Pulls out sheets of stapled paper. The script for the show in rehearsal. Grabs his Gatorade.

James: (restless) O.K., let's see what'cha got??

He moves around the stage going through various warm-ups. Checking his script and going over his memorization.

James: My brother, my brother...what do you fear? No!...what do You fear? Fear. Feeear. WHAT. DO. YOU. FEAR?!!...

My brother.? Brotha' !! Wazzz up my brotha'? Why am I doing this?

Out of No Where we hear a "Voice." (Alternative--an Actor dressed in black and always over James' shoulder.) His inner being. Free. Independent. All the things he thinks he isn't on the outside.

VoiceOutofNowhere: Because you promised him...and a promise is a promise.

James: I know but -- wait-a-minute...GOD?!

VoiceOutofNowhere: No, you jackass. I'm your conscience. Your betta' half, If I don't say so myself. And I'm telling you to get a move on. Get your ass in gear and learn those muthafuckin' lines BI-ATCH!!

James: Alright, alright!

Moves around the stage. Rolls shoulders. Takes center stage. Breathes in/out.

James: "My brother, my brother. What do you fear? Your sweet lips touch places that cause hellfire sensations....

Begins doing ballet movements while working on speech

James: (continues speech) "...too many things. Between your legs.....

VOoNW: What...??? What are you doing?

James: " stand in antici--pation waiting to re-discover the....

Changes to Modern dance

James: "...the source of SELF loathing. And SELF get his life...

VOoNW: Do I look like I was born yesterday???

James: (melodramatic) "...from fruit still for..." No. You look like me. And I'M learning these lines my way. Time to break the rules Jimmy-Boy. Fuck Tradition!

VOoNW: OMG! Did you just say....

James: Yes I did! Fuck It. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck Tradition. Now, I distract myself as to "release any inhibitions I may be feeling at this moment in time. I AM AN ACTOR!


VOoNW: Uh, whatever!

Noises heard offstage

VoiceOutofNowhere: Somebody's coming you better chill.!

James stops doing the ballet and returns to working on the monologue. Enter Male. James tries to act normal.

James: ...Your sweet lips touch places that cause...(surprised).....Hey!

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