
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Brown Skin, a VideoPoem. Written and Performed by James Tolbert III

Brown Skin
by James Tolbert III

Brown Skin, Oh my Brown Skin
You brought me to Huey
You made me think of Malcolm
You define intelligence
You epitomize blackness.

Eager I was to be a part,
Wakened you did this lonely heart,
Violins play with each letter of your name
In your presence I feel no shame.

Years of Self Hatred, Self Inficted,
Society dictates, We conform to the best o our abilities,
Living positively in a negative World,
Being Positive in an ignorant World.

I can only define who I am,
I can only be who I am,
I chose to live,
Live life fully, uninhibited with such Joy,
Laughing, playing...

My Dreams are not Infected,
I stand my ground.
I make or break the shots,
Nothing can bring me down.
I hold within me the Secrets of Success.

As I sit and Ponder,
I look out and see trees talking,
Their soothing language lends harmony to the birds.

I jogged to the center of this great expanse,
Timidly I knelt down.
There was a beautiful Red Rose beginning to bloom.

My Spirit re-newed,
I reluctantly trudged back the way I came,
With the happiness of a giddy child,
I jumped and skipped and began to fly.

My Feet were running in the air,
Then I thought....
I never loved since last I loved you,
It's been years since last I saw you,
It seems like ages since last I held you,
And yet the scent of you still lingers.

Sometimes it's the smallest thing
That brings me back to you,
Trips I don't mind making
It's to you that I travel to...

If I were to go away tomorrow
I could walk with my head held high,
Knowing that I loved,
Knowing I was loved.

We had some moments that seemed so hard,
We had some moments that seemed so right.
I close my eyes,
Feel your warmth,
Taste your lips,
Hear your heartbeat, and know,
You were real and not a Dream.....


  1. Wow. You just blew me away. That is one incredible, powerful piece- movement emotion visual images sounds words. can't express. you amaze me.

    (sorry about my name... it's how it comes up for my class blog...)
