
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Home of the Free and the Brave....

I fight every day
In this land
My home
This U. S. of A.

Fight, fight, fight,
That's all I've known
Fight, fight, fight,
That's all I've done
Since day one.

Fightin' from the womb
To gain my freedom
Fightin', fightin,
To Walk my way

I fight every day
In this land
My home
This U. S. of A.

I defend my right
To live in this life
I defend my right
To love in this life
I defend my right
To prosper in this life

Honesty is the best policy
Scout's honor.
But a lie is what is needed
To defend this land
This home
My U. S. of A.

"Don't ask, don't tell."
How ludicrous is that...???


How simple is that..
The Sky didn't fall
And the World didn't end
And the Earth continues to spin.

If I'm in the trenches
With my brother in arms,
If I'm bleeding from where
God only knows.

If a limb is missing
While we were in Iraq,
My thoughts to bed him
Would be kinda "whack."

If bullets are flying
Across my head.
If blood is flowing
Because of lead,
Then "don't ask, don't tell"
Won't really matter much
'Cause dead is dead,

No ifs, and's or but's.

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