
Saturday, May 21, 2011

6:01 pm EST,.....

Rapture: 1. the state of being carried away with joy, love, etc; ecstasy. 2. an expression of great joy, pleasure, etc. 3. a carrying away or being carried away in body, spirit.

....Where is the "fire and brimstone," we've all been led to believe was coming? The End of Days??

    Maybe, just maybe, "the Rapture" isn't about the "destruction" of a species or planet. Maybe it's much simpler and healthier; maybe it's just a simple.."change in thought." Instead of the negative, something terrible is going to happen,...we are sinners and will be punished, maybe it's about embracing the life we have and placing our energy into the Joy of Living and Loving each other. Supporting each other regardless of color, creed, sexual orientation, economic status, etc.
Maybe, the "Rapture" is feeling the connectiveness of each one of us. The similarities we share as opposed to the apparent differences, ie: "I am black. You are white. So??" I am Gay. You are Straight. You are Bi-Sexual. You are Questioning. Short, Tall, Thin, Heavy, (As an overweight kid, I "loathed" the word "Fat." See, I didn't use the "hate" word....CHANGE OF THOUGHT! How we affect and effect each other's lives, no matter the distance. No matter the language. No matter our differences. I'm embracing the Rapture of Life. I am experiencing a "great joy".....that's my Rapture. I wish the same for you all. xoxoxoxoxo

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