
Saturday, May 21, 2011

...Chill, I got this!!

You're my band-aid,
You're my vitamin E,
You're my Cocoa Butter,
Smooth and Sweet.

In a blink, you are there,
A reluctant Hero...

The Whites of your eyes,
Pulling me in....
You are in my head...
Every month and especially on Sunday.

You are my heart,
You are my inspiration,
My Muse so fine.

I feel your presence,
Even when you're not near.
My heart beats strong,
From a mere thought of you...

You're strength is solid,
And I feel you holding,
And you're miles away.

You're space is inviting,
And I know....

There's a walk I have to take,
A path has been laid,
And I must walk it alone.

I'm not afraid...

...One day, with clear blue skies,
Our paths will cross,
And we'll smile and embrace
With a friendship solidified,
From one hell of a Rollercoaster ride.

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