
Saturday, May 7, 2011

What is...RECOVERY??

I've been thinking about this a lot lately and have come to this realization, it was inspired by something I read recently and this is what I've come to understand......

Regardless of whether it is from physical or mental abuse, drug or alcohol addiction, depression, HIV, Cancer, Illness--Any disease that keeps you from living a full and joy-filled lfe is "Dis-Ease." Therefore, the meaning of "RECOVERY" is very clear and simple, "it is remembering who we are throughout the darkness and "BECOMING" who we were meant to be."
The key is talking and opening up. Reaching out.
Reach out to family, friends, clergy, doctors, therapists, groups, "1 800 Hotlines"--it doesn't matter, someone, somewhere will listen and be there for you. It's a journey. Just depends on how you look at it.
For me, My ship has finally come in...this is offered to any and all who find themselves searching and asking questions and looking for answers and are not sure where or whom to turn to.....xoxo

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